(✰) message posté Lun 18 Mai 2015 - 7:19 par Invité
Remy la voisine.
Si tu reconnais même pas les chansons de ta chanteuse favorite, je peux plus rien pour toi. Et c'est toi qui chantes comme une casserole, je t'ai enregistré, c'est affreux.
(✰) message posté Mer 20 Mai 2015 - 21:23 par Invité
Jules Fitzgerald
Hey Jace ( Haven't seen you for FIVE freaking days ! ) My non compete clause is almost finished ( cheers ) - I can start the paperwork for our project if you allow me to. Since you are still busy with vogue. You should come to my place, I have good beer and some other news.
(✰) message posté Sam 30 Mai 2015 - 14:14 par Invité
Jules Fitzgerald
I lost a close friend today and I thought abt what we said once abt going back to Mexico when we are old. It tasted bitter. Don't you ever dare to leave first.
(✰) message posté Mar 23 Juin 2015 - 23:53 par Invité
My Elsa
OMG a text from my FBF this is sooo romantic Okay, tomorrow it is. Maybe I'll be wearing the new shiny dress "you bought me at Berlin" to fit with my pretty little ass. You mother loves me I can say whatever I want :chou:
PS ; I can help you for the realness of our relationship ! Use post its !
(✰) message posté Mer 24 Juin 2015 - 0:12 par Invité
My Elsa
I was implying you should buy me a dress for tomorrow, you dumbo ! Your mum is so nice. I sometimes feel bad for her. Maybe I will carry you children out of guilt PS ; This is a great idea how come I never thought of it ! Maybe be I should spend the night at your place so that your pillows will smell just like me . Seriously, what abt a toothbrush and some lingerie ?