(✰) message posté Ven 19 Juin 2015 - 2:33 par Invité
Hey miss camping. Est-ce que je dois te rappeler qu'il y a une place de libre dans mon lit qui n'attend que toi ? Milan, j'suis certaine qu'il utilise des artifices. Quand j'ai voulu vérifier, il a osé dire qu'il me considérait comme une soeur. V'là sa méthode pour me recaler.
(✰) message posté Ven 19 Juin 2015 - 3:00 par Invité
Et moi, je fais comment pour le réchauffer mon lit ? Il est tout froid. Je demande au voisin ? Puis minute, minute Saint Claire. Comment ça tu as touché à Milan ? C'est pas possible. Personne n'a le droit de toucher à Milan Kovacic. Et le secret de ses cheveux, parait que mama Kovacic lui achète un super shampooing blablabla j'ai pas écouté la suite. Je te dirai si je le trouve quand j'irai faire les boutiques avec Lina. Allez bisous.
(✰) message posté Ven 19 Juin 2015 - 3:27 par Invité
T'es belle quand t'es jalouse. (enfin belle, pas autant que moi) Dommage que tu préfères le p'tit musclé. Et le Rhys, je sais pas. C'est une affaire à résoudre.
(✰) message posté Ven 19 Juin 2015 - 3:47 par Invité
T'es jalouse Saint Claire, assume un peu. C'est tout à fait normal, je suis tellement géniale que tu me veux que pour toi. Preums ? Mais d'habitude on décide en jouant à "pierre, feuille, ciseau". Ne touche plus à Milan, finalement le reste je m'en fous. Et la fin du message... Je vois pas de quoi tu parles.
(✰) message posté Lun 22 Juin 2015 - 3:16 par Invité
it's late, i can't sleep, texting you seemed like the only thing i could do to pass the time. go home elsa. you're not going to live with me, with or without make up idk it seems a bit silly, i'm so serious and snobbish all the time. i'll see what i can do. and i don't remember names, so technically your argument is invalid. ps - i know for parkinson. you should have told me.
(✰) message posté Lun 22 Juin 2015 - 10:05 par Invité
i don't like witches. they're lying all the time. you can't make me sleep, don't even try. oh you wanna be next to me ? well that's great. that's so much better than living with me AND it's a completely different thing right ? i don't even have another bed. i don't even have food at home. and yeah i lied, you were like ... ten. try to understand my problem. maybe you're right, maybe i need the silly things you do in my life. maybe i need you. but you don't need me. please go back to glasto, crashing at my place was never a solution. ps - that's right, i don't care. i'm glad it doesn't hurt, you can obviously text me all night long, it's not that bad. (god i'm such an asshole sometimes)
(✰) message posté Lun 22 Juin 2015 - 17:16 par Invité
you read harry potter too much little sis. i don't like when people lie to me because i always know when they do and you're here to stay right ? london's boring, why did you come anyway ? you should go to nyc, i'm sure you'll like the american accent. or go back to australia with baldwin. well there's the festival, that's one cool thing in glasto (a lot funnier than me) and diane's feeling lonely all the time. i went to see her last month but you weren't there. she needs you more than you need me (but your declaration was kinda cute) wow i'm me. great job understanding that. have fun with the voice app talking alone on my bed.
(✰) message posté Mar 23 Juin 2015 - 9:40 par Invité
oh did i ? i don't even remember reading it. well maybe i did. yeah that's my point, i'm boring. please take baldwin away from me, she always ends up taking care of me when i go to the hospital. maybe she's in love with me or something. i didn't, you just didn't believe me when i said i wasn't going. (i'm missing the who this year though, i'm sad. and you're missing kanye west and pharrell williams) we'll go next year. maybe. i went for a day or two with a friend. idk maybe it was in april. and i didn't see your mother. diane started smoking again, that's not a good sign. (i think you might be a little possessive elsa) well i already read them anyway. are you still able to strike a match with your shaking hands ? i'm ugly now, ok. evil witch.