"Fermeture" de London Calling
Après cinq années sur la toile, London Calling ferme ses portes. Toutes les infos par ici Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 2979874845 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1973890357
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Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter !

() message posté Lun 18 Sep 2017 - 3:43 par Invité

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London calling to the faraway towns
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() message posté Lun 18 Sep 2017 - 3:43 par Invité
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non risus. Suspendisse lectus tortor, dignissim sit amet, adipiscing nec, ultricies sed, dolor. Cras elementum ultrices diam. Maecenas ligula massa, varius a, semper congue, euismod non, mi. Proin porttitor, orci nec nonummy molestie, enim est eleifend mi, non fermentum diam nisl sit amet erat. Duis semper. Duis arcu massa, scelerisque vitae, consequat in, pretium a, enim. Pellentesque congue. Ut in risus volutpat libero pharetra tempor. Cras vestibulum bibendum augue. Praesent egestas leo in pede. Praesent blandit odio eu enim. Pellentesque sed dui ut augue blandit sodales. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam nibh. Mauris ac mauris sed pede pellentesque fermentum. Maecenas adipiscing ante non diam sodales hendrerit.
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Rioja Ibanez
Rioja Ibanez
maybe i belong among the stars.
Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! Tumblr_p64ghxHY091vs6omdo8_250
» Date d'inscription : 26/03/2017
» Messages : 2380
» Pseudo : loyals. (sarah)
» Avatar : adria arjona.
» Âge : 30yo, (15.02).
» Schizophrénie : lola, nova & teodora.
» Absence : 30 avril.
() message posté Lun 18 Sep 2017 - 4:49 par Rioja Ibanez
très bon choix. Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 3744571258
bienvenue parmi nous. Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1973890357
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() message posté Lun 18 Sep 2017 - 5:19 par Invité
Ooooh la grand-mère de ma Lillyyyy Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1942225346 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1942225346 bienvenue parmi nouus Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 3744571258 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 374487692
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() message posté Lun 18 Sep 2017 - 5:56 par Invité
excellent choix d'avatar et de famille aussi Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 920499825
bienvenue parmi nous et bon courage pour ta fiche Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 2941632856 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1973890357
n'hésite pas si tu as des questions Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1935183664
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() message posté Lun 18 Sep 2017 - 6:14 par Invité
bienvenue parmi nous Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1922099377 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1973890357
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() message posté Lun 18 Sep 2017 - 7:02 par Invité
excellent choix Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1922099377
bienvenue sur LC & bon courage pour ta fiche Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1973890357
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growing strong
Alycia Hemsworth
Alycia Hemsworth
growing strong
Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! Tumblr_inline_ojuj3bc03m1tw2m0e_250
» Date d'inscription : 15/02/2014
» Messages : 62617
» Pseudo : margaux ; stardust
» Avatar : zoey deutch
» Âge : 28yo
» Schizophrénie : jamie & gabrielle
() message posté Lun 18 Sep 2017 - 9:00 par Alycia Hemsworth
LA MAMAN ADAMS. Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 878725457 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 920499825 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1922099377 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1973890357 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 878725457 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 920499825 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1922099377 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1973890357 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 878725457 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 920499825 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1922099377 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1973890357 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 878725457 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 920499825 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1922099377 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1973890357 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 878725457 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 920499825 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1922099377 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1973890357 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 878725457 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 920499825 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1922099377 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1973890357 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 878725457 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 920499825 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1922099377 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1973890357 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 878725457 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 920499825 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1922099377 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1973890357 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 878725457 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 920499825 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1922099377 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1973890357 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 878725457 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 920499825 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1922099377 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1973890357
Quel excellent choix de prénom. Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 3744571258 Merci d'avoir craqué pour elle. Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1426181429 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 2941632856 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 3744571258 Je vais aller te MP de ce pas pour te donner quelques petits détails sur la famille & tout. Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1973890357

Bienvenue parmi nous aussi. Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 2637431331 Si tu as la moindre question n'hésite pas à me MP. Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1973890357 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1973890357
Bon courage pour ta fiche. Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 2057610021

Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1922099377 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1922099377 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 1922099377
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membre de la version
Rhiannon O'Connor
Rhiannon O'Connor
membre de la version
Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! Tumblr_ncf70lo9Rp1rusjpbo8_r1_250
» Date d'inscription : 15/06/2015
» Messages : 1823
» Pseudo : Anne
» Avatar : Emily Bett Rickards
» Âge : 29 ans
() message posté Lun 18 Sep 2017 - 10:32 par Rhiannon O'Connor
Bienvenue Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 208687334 Bon courage pour ta fiche :chou:
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() message posté Lun 18 Sep 2017 - 10:59 par Invité
Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 4094582668 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 4094582668 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 4094582668 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 4094582668 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 4094582668 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 4094582668 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 4094582668
Ce choix d'avatar quoi. Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 878725457 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 878725457 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 878725457 Obligé j'irais te demander un lien Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 3744571258 Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 3744571258
BIENVENUE SUR LE FORUM SINON Lizzie - A mother's love is unconditional... Her temper is entirely another matter ! 709271207 Et bon courage pour la rédaction de ta fiche !
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London Calling. :: It's over :: Corbeille :: Anciennes fiches
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» It's not love if it doesn't hurt a bit - Lizzie
» Mothers are all slightly insane. (flashback / Helga)
» (sam + julian) i love you once. i love you twice. i love you more than beans and rice.
» Lana - No matter how far you are, I'm near
» Aaron ▲ She knows what i think about and what I think about, one love two mouths, one love one house, no shirt, no blouse, just us you find out.

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